Recovery Begins Now

Free E-Book
Introduction to the BP Harmony approach to bipolar recovery, narrative of overcoming mania and depression, and nutritional guidance

Audiobook: The 5 Pillars Of Bipolar Recovery
Listen to our 2 hour audiobook to kickstart your holistic recovery journey. First chapter is free!

The 5 Pillars Of Bipolar Recovery
Sleep, Nutrition, Movement, Mindfulness, & Community - The Pillars To Master To Take Control Of Bipolar Disorder

Yoga for Bipolar Recovery
The objective of this course is to teach you to move your body to still your mind. Low intensity, Long hours of movement will

10 Affirmations for Better Mental Health
Thoughtfully crafted to promote harmony in crucial areas of life, including sleep, nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and community.

The Five Pillars of Bipolar Recovery
The objective of The Five Pillars of Bipolar Recovery course is to provide you with a practical guide on how to kick-start

Quick Desk Revitalize
Quick Desk Revitalize is a course crafted for those spending long hours at their desks. Join us in reclaiming vitality, one mindful moment at a time.

1-on-1 Coaching with Imran
Schedule a one-hour, 1-1 session and we can create a care plan for you based on my five pillars of the bipolar recovery system,