Bp Harmony

Alternative Approaches for Bipolar Patients

Credible alternative approaches lead you to a clear and reliable path to overcome BPD without Medications.
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Is it possible to treat bipolar disorder without the use of any medication?

In short, it is variable and subject to specific conditions.

Some methods can be used in the management of bipolar without using medication, but it is always advisable to seek help from a licensed health professional or seek our physician partnership support (Link) in case of severe bipolar conditions. The need for medication may differ from person to person and depend on the severity of the bipolar type. For this reason, treating bipolar disorder without meds requires diligent and concerted effort.
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The following is a general list of alternative therapies that one can engage in their recovery journey:

1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a therapy that involves the assertion of thin needles. It is recommended to take this therapy once or twice a week for optimal results. It prevents the reoccurrence of bipolar symptoms. Acupuncture therapy is crucial before symptoms appear, ensuring they are lighter and controlled.

2. Art Therapy

The use of art therapy can be beneficial for bipolar patients. Art therapy helps bipolar patients manage stress and cope with trauma and grief. It is the best way of emotional healing, as art helps you raise awareness of yourself. Other activities are encouraged during the bipolar recovery journey.

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3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is also very beneficial for bipolar patients. CBT is very structured and teaches a strategy to overcome bipolar disorder. This therapy is usually used to treat osteoarthritis, liver disease, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Though CBT was originally developed for mental health treatments like depression, stress, mania, post-traumatic stress disorder, and addiction. Other useful therapies can also become beneficial for bipolar disorder.

4. Journaling

Writing down your thoughts can relieve bipolar patients. There are some types of writing we can use for mental health recovery. These include gratitude journals (writing thank-you notes for the things you are grateful for), travel journals (writing about your travel experiences), reflective journals (writing about whatever doodle is in your mind), and mindful journals (writing your thoughts and ideas in a nonjudgmental way).

Read our Recommended Therapy for a better understanding.

5. Problem-Solving

“Problem-solving therapy (PST) is a psychosocial intervention, generally considered to be under a cognitive-behavioral umbrella” (Nezu, Nezu, & D’Zurilla, 2013, p. Ix). During the bipolar journey, some activities should be done to avoid overthinking; they include Mind Mapping, Role-Playing Scenarios, Puzzle & Strategy Games, and Group Tasks.

6. Yoga Therapy

Practical activities like practicing yoga(link), meditation, and deep breathing have positive effects on reducing stress and creating positive feelings toward the body. Researchers have also found that clients with bipolar disorder more often experience trauma and, as a result, exhibit post-traumatic symptoms. Some of the ways through which relaxation methods can be beneficial include the decrease in nightmares and the severity of the nightmares that traumatized persons encounter.

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Some Natural Remedies


S-adenosylmethionine also known as SAMe is a universal molecule that is synthesized in various directions and is present in nearly all body tissues and fluids. SAMe is normally used for treating depression, osteoarthritis, and liver diseases.

Rhodiola Rosea

This herb is used to reduce stress and boost mood. Today, Rhodiola is an herb used for boosting energy, endurance, power, and cognitive abilities, enhancing exercise, opposing stress influence, and treating depression, anxiety, and other conditions.

Fish Oil

The most common fish rich in these oils are mackerel, herring, tuna, and salmon. The body cannot synthesize most required omega-3 fatty acids, essential for its functions. Omega-3s reduce inflammation and have an anticoagulant effect.


It corrects chemical imbalances and may be used for mental disorders like panic disorder, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It may also help insulin work more effectively. This essential nutrient lowers metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and reduces preterm birth odds.

Reishi Mushroom

Reishi mushroom helps bipolar patients by reducing stress, anxiety and stabilizing mood swings. It may also improve immune function and reduce inflammation-related mood triggers.


It is a natural supplement that helps to reduce sleeplessness and fatigue, stress, and serum cortisol (a stress hormone) along with managing anxiety levels.


It helps you to cure mental health issues. It blocks the activity of more stimulating neurotransmitters and binds to calming receptors, resulting in a more peaceful and calm state. It regulates the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, acting as a brake on the body’s nervous system.

Helping Over 100 Patients (And Counting!)

I recently had the chance to join imran in a few online and in-person training sessions and it was really helpful for me. Imran is knowledgeable, caring and has the unique ability to show the learner how to improve their practice.


Imran is such a great yoga trainer! I had the opportunity to have some 1:1 sessions with him. He crafted a yoga routine that acommodated my knee pain as well as my beginner level experience with yoga.


Imran is a gentle soul with a purposeful vision of making a difference in the mental health space. I find his content insightful, engaging and most importantly authentic. Thank you, for your tenacity and for doing the much needed work in this space!


Imran is an exceptionally talented individual. He was able to turn his life around from bipolar disorder. I witnessed his transformation. Based on his results I have also contracted him as my Yoga instructor. He is genuine, sincere, and has a true heart to serve others.


Imran Ghani's book skillfully combines his Five Pillars—sleep, nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and community—to support recovery for those with bipolar disorder, anxiety, insomnia, and other modern challenges. A great resource for well-being.

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